Handstands to Austin

Jake and I are moving to Austin! It’s a temporary plan for the time being and we are estimating tentatively a year before returning to the Pacific Northwest. Despite all my international travels, I have seen very little of the Western USA. That said, we decided to take a 2 month roadtrip to get to Austin exploring several states, national parks, small towns, antique shops and so much more along the way. I’ve remapped a roughly 2500 mile trip into an over 6000 mile trip! We are thinking of this trip as somewhat of a creative sabbatical of sorts… and we have a few creative projects we will be doing en route. We will also be documenting random aspects of the trip on our blog: www.handstandstoaustin.com.


Sheena + Trevor’s Wedding

Invitations and details:



Collapse! by Real Networks

This project (via Filter) was designing visual elements of a facebook campaign for the social game Collapse! by Real Networks.


Wema (meaning to empower a community) is a small non-profit focused in Moshi, Tanzania working primarily with Mwereni primary school, which has a significant focus on educating children who are blind. This website design was a pro-bono project.